Datacasting – FAQs & Best Practices

FAQs & Best Practices for Teachers

File Sharing

  • Always abide by Copyright and Fair Use Laws and Guidance.
  • While some special characters, such as apostrophes and parentheses can be used to name files, the following special characters cannot be used: \ / : ” ? * < > |
  • A file cannot be resent in the system unless the file name has been modified.
  • The oldest files are the ones deleted first, should storage space on the receiver become an issue.
  • We suggest limiting video file size to 50MB or smaller.

Student Experience

  • Consistent naming protocols (school-wide or by grade level) will help students who have multiple teachers assigning content. Time factors (e.g., due dates) are a helpful element also.
  • Although teachers can create and use folders to organize materials in their portal, these folders do not translate to student accounts. Students will see only a list of files – not the folder organization.
  • Students must have files in their folder before the system will allow them to log in to the student interface.
  • If students are using Chromebooks, assure students are logged in to the device before leaving internet coverage area.
  • Student work can be saved on their personal devices or a jump drive.


  • Share video transcripts when possible.

Recording Classroom Video

  • Consider the level of zoom needed to be accessible.
  • High-definition video files tend to be quite large and may take valuable time and space to upload and transfer. Consider using a lower quality video setting when recording.
  • Explicitly talk through visual elements. (e.g. “On my whiteboard I have written a 2 and underneath it a plus sign with a 4. The line under the 4 shows that we are adding 2 and 4. Two plus 4 is 6, so I am writing a 6 under the line.”)