Adult Education News

Digital Citizenship – A Skill That Matters

Just as we are citizens of our country, states and communities, we are digital citizens. To keep order and equity, good citizens live by certain laws, norms and expectations and these exist within our digital spaces as well.  

Digital citizenship is defined as the responsible use of technology and etiquette pertaining to an online presence.  The concept expands upon digital literacy standards and focuses on how internet users interact with others, use content responsibly, and addresses obligations related to online participation. Adult education should ensure that learners have foundational computer skills, and know how to leverage those skills. Learn more about digital literacy in adult education here. 

October 17-21 is Digital Citizenship Week. This PBS LearningMedia video produced by Georgia Public Broadcasting is an excellent overview of digital citizenship. The organization that developed the observance offers a toolkit for celebrating the week.

KET Instructional Technology Specialist Rudy Rhodes recommends these online security tips for students: 

When dealing with online security and multiple accounts, remembering passwords can be a hassle. Consider using a low-cost “password manager” (such as LastPass) service to securely manage several passwords and two-factor authentication apps (Google Authenticator, Authy) for added security. Making a strong password is important, too! Simple password phrases (ex. thisisnotmypassword!) are often more difficult to crack than random strings of numbers/letters and are far easier to remember.