Early Childhood NewsK-12 News

Supplement at-home learning with Let’s Learn

Are you looking for ways to supplement at-home learning? Check out Let’s Learn, a one-hour program for children ages 3-8 that features science, math, reading, social studies, and the arts—as well as virtual field trips.  

Tune in Monday through Friday beginning Monday, January 4 at 2/1 pm on KET. You can view the full broadcast schedule here.

Let’s Learn aims to provide our young learners with knowledge and skills to learn and succeed during these challenging times. Contributors create engaging, authentic, and interactive lessons that are accessible to students from their homes.

This one-hour program strives to meet the educational needs of children ages 3-8. While this is a wide range of ages, segments can serve as introduction, reinforcement, or enrichment to material depending on students’ needs.

To paraphrase Catherine Snow, expert on language and literacy development in children, the teaching that is taking place “…is helpful for all children, harmful for none, and crucial for some.”

Learn more!