girl yelling

Creating Characters: Voice – Idea File

Students compare two characters in a story and say the same phrases while pretending to be the different characters.
Grades: K-3

Two Gals

Teaching Concepts:

  • Different characters would say the same things in different ways.
  • Voice and facial expressions help create characters in drama.

Academic Content

  • Drama: performance elements (speaking, acting)
  • Drama: performing using literary and performance elements
  • Drama and Language Arts: character development

Lesson Idea
Open: Read “The Good Little Girl” in Now We Are Six by A.A. Milne. Discuss what is expected of Jane. Discuss how you know whether a character is “good” or not when you read a story or watch a play.

View: “The Two Gals.”

Discuss: Differences between the two girls. List descriptive words to define each character.

Expand: Students role-play the different ways each sister in the story would say the same words. Possible phrases for this exercise: “This is mine,” “I’m tired,” “Give it to me,” and “I will help.” Discuss how actors use voice and facial expressions to help create different characters.

Author: Mary Henson

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