Adult Education News

Celebrating Women’s History Month

As we enter March, KET Adult Education celebrates Women’s History Month, a time to honor the invaluable contributions of women throughout history. This month offers a perfect opportunity for educators to address narratives of women that highlight diversity, equity, and inclusion.  

By amplifying the voices of marginalized women whose stories have often been overlooked or silenced, we enrich students’ understanding of history and cultivate empathy and respect for diverse voices.  

One such person is Kentucky’s own bell hooks, a scholar, author and activist known for her writings on the intersections of race, feminism, and class. Watch KET’s Becoming bell hooks to explore her life and legacy through her work, which serves as a lasting contribution to the feminist movement. Learn how her childhood informed her views and her belief that feminism is for everybody. 

In this spirit of Women’s History Month, it’s important to create spaces where all students feel valued and empowered to embrace their unique identity and make meaningful contributions to society.