Adult Education News

Digital Access and Literacy in Adult Education

Digital equity is a critical topic to address in the field of adult education, including access to technology and digital literacy instruction. This American Portrait video on PBS LearningMedia addresses the issue of the impact of the digital divide in families’ education. Bridging the digital divide among adult learners means ensuring that learners have equal access to both connected devices and opportunities for digital learning experiences.  

The Coalition on Adult Basic Education’s Educate and Elevate campaign provides statistics on these two dimensions of the divide. As many as 28.2 million households in the U.S. do not have high-speed broadband, either because of lack of affordability or lack of available network. Furthermore, over 32 million adults lack basic digital literacy skills needed to participate in the digital economy.  

Promoting digital equity in adult education is essential for enabling lifelong learning, workforce development, economic participation and personal growth among adults. Digital inclusion in adult education ensures that no one is left behind in the digital age and that opportunities for skill development and education are accessible to all, regardless of their socioeconomic or demographic backgrounds.