Adult Education News

Summer Break – Are You Winding Down or Gearing Up?

As the end of the traditional school year comes, it is a time of both winding down and gearing up. How does that happen simultaneously? 

The “winding down” phase may offer reduced operational hours for on-site learners, completion of year-end reports and evaluations, and even some well-deserved time off. There may be time to accomplish neglected things like tidying up surroundings, organizing files, decluttering or restocking essential items.  

The “gearing up” phase of summer may allow time to investigate new resources like KET’s FastForward and Workplace Essential Skills, streamline communication processes by creating email, phone or texting lists for current learners, determine what is going well and what should be improved or changed for a more successful new year, complete professional development or study current topics. The Coalition of Adult Basic Education offers some free resources such as this one related to diversity and inclusion.